Frequently Asked Questions on Year-end procedures for the Sage BusinessVision program.

This article provides the information on commonly asked questions regarding fiscal year-end and payroll year-end. Keep in mind that a fiscal year-end and payroll year-end are two separate functions. A fiscal year is a financial year you set up for your business, and varies between businesses. Whereas a payroll year is a calendar year starting on January 1 and ending on December 31 of the same year.
Fiscal Year-End FAQ
- Perform a Fiscal Year-End
- How to backup Sage BusinessVision data?
- Can I reverse the fiscal year-end close?
- Unable to click the Year-End option under the Utilities menu
- Not responding message when performing fiscal year-end close
- Error: "The Control file is currently unavailable" when doing a fiscal year-end
- Error: "One or more files are in use... cannot continue" when performing fiscal year-end
- Error 00009 on Notes.btr when doing fiscal year-end close
- After Fiscal Year-End, general ledger (GL) reports are incorrect
Payroll Year-End FAQ
- Perform a Payroll Year-End
- How to install payroll updates for the Sage BusinessVision program?
- Payroll year-end, Payroll update and TD1 revision
- How can I tell if I have completed a payroll year-end?
- Do I install payroll update before or after the payroll year-end?
- Error: "A Payroll year-end has already been processed for calendar year xxxx. You cannot proceed with this option"
- Reopen payroll year-end to add paycheque or corrections
- I have entered paycheques for the new year without closing the payroll
- Can you void a cheque in last payroll year?
- I processed payroll year-end after issuing the paycheques of the new year
- Print T4, T4 Summary, and submit T4 online
- How to file T4 electronically?
- How to adjust T4 amounts
- T4 printed the amounts for the year before last year
- Sage BusinessVision prints a wrong year on T4 form
- Password for payroll update isn't working
- How to enter a bonus cheque in the payroll module?
- How to adjust payroll for a closed year?
- I installed the payroll update, but the version number didn't change
- Do I need to install the payroll update on all computers?
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