How to generate Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) .DAT files

Sage 50 allows you to export EFT .DAT files for the bank to process:


Vendor Payments

  1. Set up EFT.
  2. Post your direct deposit payments.
  3. Go to File, Import/Export, Upload Direct payments, Vendor Direct Deposit.
  4. Select the appropriate Dated between: dates and click Refresh.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the customer transactions.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Select the deposit date.
    • Use Transaction Date is the date on the invoice
    • Use Funds Available Date is the date that you request to have the bank take the funds
  8. Leave the Creation No.: - this number increases on it own every time you do a new generation.
  9. Set the Creation Date and click Next.
  10. Click Save this EFT Direct file and select a location to save the file.
    • Preferably create and save to a folder on the C:\ named EFT
    • It will default to the name APDIRECT.DAT
  11. Click Save.
  12. Select the Open the Direct Deposit Log report for this EFT file after clicking Finish checkbox.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. Go to the folder created in step 10 and there will be two .DAT files.
    • APDI000x.DAT
  15. Log in to the bank website for EFT or CAFT and upload the APDIRECT.DAT file.
  16. Generating a new EFT overwrites the old APDIRECT.DAT file and saves a APDI000x.DAT copy for your records. 
  17. If your EFT file gets rejected by your bank, follow these steps.

Customer Pre-Authorized Deposits (PAD)

Employees Paycheques

  1. Set up EFT.
  2. Post your payroll deposit cheques.
  3. Go to File, Import/Export, Upload Direct payments, Employee Direct Deposit
  4. Select the desired date range.
  5. Select Not Generated from the Status drop down, then Display.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the employees.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Select the deposit date: UseTransactions Date or Use Funds available date.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select Save this EFT Direct File and the location to save the file.
    • Preferably create and save to a folder on C:\ named EFT
    • The file name will default to PRDIRECT.DAT
  11. Click Save.
  12. Select the Open the Direct Deposit Log report for this EFT file after clicking the Finish checkbox.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. Go to the folder created in Step 10. You'll find two .DAT files in this folder.
    • PRDI0001.DAT
  15. Log in to the bank website for EFT or CAFT and upload the PRDIRECT.DAT file.
  16. Generating a new EFT overwrites the old PRDIRECT.DAT file and saves a PRDI0001.DAT copy for your records.
Steps to duplicate
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