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How do I clear my old data?

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Steps to manage and clear historical data in Sage 50 Accounting.


Create a backup before clearing any data

  • Create a backup of your company data.  Once you clear datait’s no longer available for lookup
  • You'll need to restore a backup from before clearing the data. Don't overwrite your existing file but save it as a new name instead

Clear data

  1. In the home menu, go to Maintenance, Clear Data.
  2. Choose the type of data you want to clear.
  3. When clearing data manually, select the date range for which you want to clear.

Type of information you can clear

  • Paid vendor and customer transactions: Removes transaction information used in the Vendor Aged and Customer Aged reports
  • Account reconciliation: Removes information used in the Account Reconciliation reports
  • Deposit slips: Removes transaction information used in the Deposit Slip report. Once cleared, you can’t look up or adjust these transactions
  • Import online statements:  Removes information used in the Import Online Statements report
  • Inventory tracking: Removes information used in the Inventory Transactions and Inventory Sales reports. Once cleared, you can’t look up or adjust these transactions
  • Purchase and sales invoices: Once cleared, you can’t look up or adjust these transactions
  • Remittance payments: Removes Payment column information in the Remittances report. Once cleared, you can’t look up or adjust these transactions
  • Employee Direct deposits: Removes information in the Upload Direct Deposit window
  • Notes: Removes notes in the Daily Business Manager
  • Paycheque details: Removes information in Payroll and Cheque Log reports. The system always clears this data at the age you specify. The system stores the data for a maximum of 6 years
  • Financial history: Removes the financial history information in the Financial Statement and General Journal Entries reports. The system always clears this data at the age you specify. The system stores the data for a maximum of 7 years (Sage 50 Pro Accounting) or 100 years (Sage 50 Premium Accounting or up)
  • Sales taxes: Removes information in the Tax report