When downloading a file from Remote Data Access, the version shows up as 2021.1.1 rather than 2021.2
When going in the RDA file list, file shows up as 2021.1.1 instead of 2021.2
I have confirmed that the owner of the file has converted the file to 2021.2
The owner only has one version of the file on their computer
- Stop sharing the file on the files owners computer - DocLink: How to stop sharing a company with Remote Data Access (formerly Sage Drive)
- Remove the users by following KB 16625 DocLink: How do I delete a user?
- Run dbutil - See KB 10403 DocLink: How to use the Database Utilities (Sage_SA_dbutil.exe)
- Try resharing the file on RDA
- If the users can't be removed or the file cannot be reshared, contact Sage support to run the reset tool