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When downloading a file from Remote Data Access it shows the file as in a older version

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When downloading a file from Remote Data Access, the version shows up as 2021.1.1 rather than 2021.2 When going in the RDA file list, file shows up as 2021.1.1 instead of 2021.2 I have confirmed that the owner of the file has converted the file to 2021.2 The owner only has one version of the file on their computer




  1. Stop sharing the file on the files owners computer - DocLink: How to stop sharing a company with Remote Data Access (formerly Sage Drive)
  2. Remove the users by following KB 16625 DocLink: How do I delete a user?
  3. Run dbutil - See KB 10403 DocLink: How to use the Database Utilities (Sage_SA_dbutil.exe)
  4. Try resharing the file on RDA
  5. If the users can't be removed or the file cannot be reshared, contact Sage support to run the reset tool