You can see a list of all your products and services from the Products and Services list. From here, you can:
- Create, edit or delete a new product (stock or non-stock) or service.
- Create categories to group your products and services - just click the arrow next to Create New.
- Click an item to edit or view related details.
- Import products and services.
- Search for a specific product or service by code or description.
To filter the list
You can filter the list by Analysis Type, Status (Active/Inactive), Type (Stock/Non-stock/Service) or Category. To do this:
- Click Filter.
- From the Status list, select All, Active or Inactive.
- From the Type list, select either a product type or Services.
- From the Category list, select the required category.
- Click Close.
NOTE: To return to the default list, click Filter and then click Reset Filters.
To sort the list
You can sort the order the products and services appear. Simply click the column you want sort by. For example, you may want to sort by Description or Ledger Account.
The actions toolbar
You can use the actions toolbar to print or export your product and service items. If you’ve not yet entered any transactions against a product or service record, you can also delete it from here.
- Select the check box next to the required products or services.
NOTE: To select all items, select the check box at the top left corner of the grid.
- Click the option that you want to use:
- Print. The products and services list opens in a new window or tab. From your browser menu, choose to print or save the page.
- Email. Enter the email address and any information you want to appear in the body of the email. Click Send. The email is sent to the specified address.
- CSV. Depending on your web browser, the CSV file either downloads automatically to your Downloads folder or you may receive a prompt asking you to save the file to your computer.
- PDF. The products and services list opens as a PDF in a new window or tab. From your browsers menu, choose to print or save the page.
- Delete. Use this to delete your product or service record.
NOTE: Once you have added a product or service item to an invoice, you cannot delete it. If you are no longer using the item, we suggest changing the description to "Do not use."