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Why are some of my sales invoices not affecting my COGS account?

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Solution 1: There is no cost associated to the item at the time of posting the sales invoice.

  1. Click Reports, Inventory & Services, Transaction.
  2. Under Select from, set to Inventory by Item.
  3. Select the inventory item in question.
  4. Add a checkmark under Select Transactions to Report for all boxes including Balance forward.
  5. Set the Start and Finish date to be the date of the invoice.
  6. If the Balance is $0.00 then that is why.
    • eg., there was no cost to begin with even if there is a positive quantity.

Solution 2: The transaction was recalled from a defective recurring invoice.

  1. If you are recalling a recurring transaction, then verify prior to posting if this transaction is going to post to the COGS account.
  2. If not, then the recurring transaction was saved without the COGS journal entry to begin with.
    1. Delete the recurring transaction.
    2. Make a new recurring transaction.

Solution 3: There is no cost associated to the item at the time of posting the sales invoice yet the Inventory Transaction report shows a balance.

  1. It is possible that at the time of posting, there was no balance.
  2. Then afterwards, a user entered a purchase invoice or adjustment backdated prior to the invoice was posted.
  3. So the Inventory Transaction report may show it should have been fine.
  • Step 1: Test to see if new invoices are using the COGS account:
  1. Create a new invoice using the inventory item in question.
  2. If the invoice records a COGS entry then all is fine. Proceed to Step 2.
  3. Else, you need to find out why there is no COGS with this inventory item.
    • Is there a value to the inventory in question right now?
    • Is the invoice dated at the time there is a value?
  • Step 2: Void and replace the invoice
  1. Void the defective invoice.
  2. Create a new invoice replacing that invoice.

Solution 4: If I sold the inventory item before before purchasing:

  1. Look up the purchase invoice of the item. Verify the item number has not been modified.
  2. Check the Inventory Sales report item number with the purchase invoice item number.
  3. If there is a change then the system will not be able to calculate correctly.
  4. Change the purchase order item number to the same as was recorded when selling.