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How to install the Sage 50 Connection Manager on the server.

Created on  | Last modified on 


Install the Connection Manager on the computer or server where you store your Sage 50 Accounting CA company data.


 Watch our install video:

Option 1: Download Sage 50

  1. Log in to the server.
  2. Download the program from Sage 50: Download Portal and run the .exe file.
  3. If you have the server's Windows Firewall enabled, select the option to have Windows Firewall automatically configure it to work with Sage 50.
  4. Select Advanced if the server only stores the data file and no one uses the program on the server.
  5. Select Next to proceed.
  6. Select Server - only for Sage 50 Server Components and select Finish.

Option 2: Someone has already downloaded the full product on another system

  1. Open the C:\Sage folder.
  2. Select Sage 50 Installer Files - CDN Release (select the appropriate release, that is, 2024.0).
  3. Copy the folder to the server - either via shared drive or USB key.
  4. On the server, run the Launch.exe file.
  5. Select Install Sage 50.
  6. Select the Language.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Select Yes for the Windows Firewall setup and select Next.
  9. You have 2 options: Typical or Advanced.
    1. Select Advanced
  10. Select Next.
  11. Select Server - only for Sage 50 Server Components.
  12. Select Finish when the install completes.
Option 3:  Someone has already installed the update on another system
  1. Go to the system where someone has already installed the update.
  2. Select Windows Start, then Computer.
  3. Go to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Sage Software\Simply Accounting\Download.
  4. Find the latest update that someone installed.
    1. Example: 2023.2 full product SA_20232CPUP1.exe
  5. Copy this file to a USB stick or to the server.
  6. Run this update on the server to update the Connection Manager.

Option 4: Update the Connection Manager from the Sage 50 Connection Manager window

  1. Open the Connection Manager.
  2. Click the Update button.
    1. The Update button will only show if you selected "Server-only" install





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